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Willis Independent School District

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Bilingual / ESL

Mission & Goals

Our mission is to enhance and accelerate students' language acquisition to ensure bilingualism and biliteracy. We will maximize students' cognitive and affective development through culturally responsive teaching. As a result, our emergent bilinguals will acquire essential skills for lifelong learning, ensuring they become productive, responsible global citizens.

Program Goals

  • Nurture the primary language in order for emergent bilinguals to become bi-literate.
  • Create cross-linguistic connections between English and Spanish to acquire academic concepts.
  • Use sheltered instruction to acquire the target language.
  • Value the students' culture to create an optimal and inclusive learning environment.
  • Foster the linguistic, academic, and emotional needs of emergent bilinguals by creating meaningful partnerships with parents, families and the community.

Main Contact

Erika Del Rio M.ED
District Bilingual/ESL/LOTE Coordinator

Willis Independent School District

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